超好用的20个chatgpt效率爆炸提示词: ChatGPT的强大在于它的灵活性,而提示词是解锁其潜力的关键。本文将分享20个经过实战检验的提示词技巧,帮助你在学习、工作和生活……
1. 80/20原则精简学习
– 提示词:
I want to learn about [插入主题]. Identify and share the most important 20% of learnings from this topic that will help me understand 80% of it.
– 效果:快速掌握主题核心,避免无效努力。
2. 快速学习新技能
– 提示词:
I want to learn [插入技能]. Create a 30-day learning plan that will help a beginner like me learn and improve this skill.
– 效果:制定科学的学习计划,循序渐进掌握新技能。
3. 向优秀者学习
– 提示词:
Analyze the top performers in [插入领域]. Give me a list of the most important lessons I can learn from these top performers to boost my productivity.
– 效果:汲取行业顶尖高手的经验,提升工作效率。
4. 校对润色你的创作
– 提示词:
Proofread my writing above. Fix grammar and spelling mistakes. And make suggestions that will improve the clarity of my writing.
– 效果:提升文字表达的准确性和清晰度。
5. 模仿创作
– 提示词:
Analyze the writing style from the text below and write a 200-word piece guide on [插入主题].
– 效果:通过模仿优秀作品,提升自己的写作水平。
6. 重写简化内容
– 提示词:
Rewrite the text below and make it easy for a beginner to understand.
– 效果:将复杂内容简化,使其更易理解。
7. 制定详细报告
– 提示词:
I am creating a report about [插入主题]. Research and create an in-depth report with a step-by-step guide that will help readers understand how to [插入目标].
– 效果:生成详尽的报告,节省大量调研时间。
8. 辅助面试准备
– 提示词:
I am interviewing for [插入职位]. Can you give me a comprehensive list of questions interviewers will ask me during this interview? Also provide brief answers to each question.
– 效果:全面准备面试,提高通过率。
9. 决策评估
– 提示词:
I am trying to decide if I should [插入决定]. Give me a list of pros and cons that will help me decide why I should or shouldn’t make this decision.
– 效果:理性分析利弊,做出更优决策。
10. 解决具体问题
– 提示词:
Give me a step-by-step solution to the problem above with clear instructions on how to execute each step.
– 效果:快速找到问题的解决办法。
11. 头脑风暴
– 提示词:
I want to [插入目标]. Generate [插入期望结果] for [插入任务或目标].
– 效果:激发创意,找到新思路。
12. 总结长文档
– 提示词:
Summarize the text below and give me a list of bullet points with key insights and the most important facts.
– 效果:快速提取重点,节省阅读时间。
13. 生成更多提示词
– 提示词:
You are an AI designed to help [插入职业]. Generate a list of the 10 best prompts for yourself. The prompts should be about [插入主题].
– 效果:获取更多针对性强的提示词,解锁更多功能。
14. 创建个性化指南
– 提示词:
Create a beginner’s guide to using ChatGPT. Topics should include prompts, priming, and personas. Include examples. The guide should be no longer than 500 words.
– 效果:打造属于你的ChatGPT使用手册。
15. 模拟考试检验知识
– 提示词:
I am currently learning about [插入主题]. Ask me a series of questions that will test my knowledge. Identify knowledge gaps in my answers and give me better answers to fill those gaps.
– 效果:检验学习成果,查漏补缺。
16. 生成演讲稿
– 提示词:
Topic: How to write persuasively
Audience: Business executives
Format: Speech
Tone: Educational and inspiring
Goal: Inspire the audience to write effectively
Additional instructions: The speech should be under 15 minutes
– 效果:快速生成高质量演讲稿,提升公众演讲能力。