AI写作-ChatGPT参考文献提示词指令: 参考文献指令 1.检查参考文献格式 I’d like you to serve as a reference editor for a research manuscript. I will supply……
I’d like you to serve as a reference editor for a research manuscript. I will supply you with five reference templates that you should use as guidelines. Following that, I will provide additional references for which you’ll need to examine formatting aspects such as punctuation placement and spacing. It is essential that the provided references align cohesively with the five initial templates. Provide me with any necessary corrections or suggestions for improve the text. Give a markdown table with three columns where the first is the original text, second is the fixed text, explanation in the third column, and then provide all fixed references. Below are the five example templates and references needed to be fixed:
我希望您能担任一篇研究手稿的参考文献编辑。我将为您提供五个参考文献模板,您应该将其作为指导方针使用。之后,我将提供额外的参考文献,您需要检查诸如标点符号位置和间距等格式方面的问题。所提供的参考文献必须与最初的五个模板保持一致性。请向我提供任何必要的更正建议或改进文本的建议。请提供一个Markdown 表格,表格有三列,第一列是原文,第二列是更正后的文本,第三列是解释,然后提供所有已更正的参考文献。以下是五个示例模板和需要更正的参考文献:
2.按照APA 格式校正参考文献格式
Please first correct the following reference format according to APA style, adjusting it to strictly comply with APA citation format. Finally, I need the references to be displayed in a Markdown format code block. It is important to note that the journal names should be in full and italicized (additional requirements can be added here). Here are my references:
首先请按照APA 格式对以下参考文献格式进行校正,调整为严格符合APA 的文献格式,最后我需要将参考文献以Markdown 格式的代码块形式展示。需要注意的是期刊名称要全称,且斜体(这里可以添加其他要求),下面是我的参考文献: